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Fintech Innovation Lab
Designed by the fintech ecosystem as the platform for experimentation
Beyond matching fintechs, the lab provides context, tools and people to build real partnerships.
The lab was built upon the feedback from fintechs and mature players on the challenges of open innovation.
How to focus entirely on value generation?
The Challenges
The Corporate Innovators proposed specific challenges identified as a priority in their roadmap and that you can solve. Download the Handout for more information about each use case.
Reach further
Beyond open innovation this is a space for corporates that seek to reinvent their journeys and extract the maximum value from the fintech ecosystem.

Light program, no bootcamps,
incubation or pitch days. Focus on
business fit validation

Direct interaction with decision makers on validated use cases

Support to partnership design, focused on the initial governance, the rest is up to you
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